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Climbing big piles of rock one gummy bear at a time, join me for the ride!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Hidden Treaures

I stand in the middle of an art gallery far away from any wilderness and I ask myself again, “why do I venture into the unknown?”  

Why do I yearn to stand on top of peaks and ride my bike for countless hours until I can barley go on? As I stare into a mesmerizing piece of art that may have taken weeks or months to complete, I understand. I’ve found my escape. The problems of my life can’t find me at the top of a mountain, only the clear air and nature surrounding me.

The same way an artist can lose all sense of time getting lost in each brush stroke, my problems seem to fade away the farther I get from my door. There is so much excitement on the other side of the unknown. Will I hate myself or thank myself in just a few hours? Will I experience something new that will have me chasing a sensation for the rest of my life?

Exploration is always free in so many ways, just like carving something from your imagination into a plank of wood is free. We each have these primitive desires, but so many choose to ignore and suppress them. There are an infinite number of rich stories hiding in the details of the world around you. It is your job as a human being to uncover and tell those stories, even if only to yourself. 

I don’t know why it took walking through an art gallery around the work of so many creatives to piece these thoughts together in my head, even though they had been driving my motives for years. I am glad we decided to step into that world that day though, and I’ve discovered that the art I cherish exists at the limit of where my body can take me.